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Portable Magic

Reading, for me, is entertainment and an escape from the real world. But it can also inform and stretch the boundaries of the life I live.

Currently reading

A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, #1)
Ursula K. Le Guin
Whisper Network
Chandler Baker
Progress: 54 %
Invisible Man
Ralph Ellison
Progress: 28 %
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
Carolyn Keene
100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories
Gary Raisor, Richard Chizmar, Al Sarrantonio, Avram Davidson
Progress: 70/512 pages
Leading Change
John P. Kotter
Peanuts Classics
Charles M. Schulz
Progress: 66 %
The Bungalow Mystery
Carolyn Keene
Progress: 192/192 pages
The Bungalow Mystery #3
Carolyn Keene
Progress: 192/192 pages
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
Russell H. Tandy, Mildred Benson, Carolyn Keene

The Door Into Summer ★★★☆☆

The Door Into Summer - Robert A. Heinlein

This story is definitely amusing fluff, which seems right for a short sci-fi novel written in the 1950's. I best liked Pete the cat and that the story does not take itself too seriously. Its attitude toward its female characters is pretty awful, though, even taking into account that was written in the 50's. I have the uncomfortable feeling that RAH was a founding member of the MRA society. The ladies are all evaluated first on their physical attractiveness, and I say "ladies" loosely because this also applies to an 11 year old girl. The only smart woman is a "man-eater" caricature, who gets her just desserts as

she ends up old, ugly, man-less, and poor, but still desperately trying to work her wiles on the main character, so that he can give her the full rejection.

(show spoiler)

And the attitude toward the little girl is just creepy, as she is primarily described in terms of her future desirability as a sexual companion. She and the main character

(a man in his 30's), get "engaged" just before he goes into suspended animation, and he gives her instructions to also put herself into suspended animation when she's 21 so they can wake up together and get married. Which they both do. And even then, she's treated as though she's still that little girl, only with a sexy adult body.

(show spoiler)


Audiobook, borrowed from my public library via Overdrive. The performance by Patrick Lawlor is excellent - he reads with just the right amount of self-aware amusement - and dragged this book back up to 3 stars to redeem it from its miserable female characters.