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Portable Magic

Reading, for me, is entertainment and an escape from the real world. But it can also inform and stretch the boundaries of the life I live.

Currently reading

A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, #1)
Ursula K. Le Guin
Whisper Network
Chandler Baker
Progress: 54 %
Invisible Man
Ralph Ellison
Progress: 28 %
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
Carolyn Keene
100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories
Gary Raisor, Richard Chizmar, Al Sarrantonio, Avram Davidson
Progress: 70/512 pages
Leading Change
John P. Kotter
Peanuts Classics
Charles M. Schulz
Progress: 66 %
The Bungalow Mystery
Carolyn Keene
Progress: 192/192 pages
The Bungalow Mystery #3
Carolyn Keene
Progress: 192/192 pages
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
Russell H. Tandy, Mildred Benson, Carolyn Keene

Murder on the Orient Express

Murder on the Orient Express CD: Murder on the Orient Express CD - Agatha Christie, Dan Stevens

This was my first Agatha Christie and it was a lot of fun! I really liked Poirot's style, with his little tricks in interviewing witnesses and his smartass way of dealing with his co-investigators, if you can call them that. Dan Steven's performance in narrating this audiobook is fantastic, with his ability to give life and individuality to each character. The final whodunnit came as a surprise, and although this may be due to the constraints in tracking clues in an audio presentation, it seems more likely that it is just a well plotted mystery, because the ending did not feel like a cheat. 


Many thanks to Jennifer's Books, whose excellent review prompted me to finally try Agatha Christie.



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