Reading, for me, is entertainment and an escape from the real world. But it can also inform and stretch the boundaries of the life I live.
Blackwell’s Haunted Renovation series has long been a favorite of mine, so this witchy mystery series looked promising. It did deliver for the most part, with an interesting mystery in the midst of introducing a new cast of characters and backgrounds. The author does a good job of delivering information without boring info dumps and provides enough clues and red herrings that the solution is neither too obvious nor a cheat. I did feel that it was a little too heavy on the romance and I don’t care for the constant descriptions of whatever outfit the MC is wearing that day, but overall this silly mystery was a very nice break from the more serious mystery and horror I have been reading for the last several weeks.
I read this book for the Booklikes Halloween Bingo 2019, for the square Amateur Sleuth: This mystery will have a main character who is not a member of law enforcement. The main character in this story is a practicing witch who runs a vintage clothing shop.
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