Reading, for me, is entertainment and an escape from the real world. But it can also inform and stretch the boundaries of the life I live.
Sorry I've been MIA but the last two weeks have been pretty insane for me, work-wise. We went through our first pandemic-related round of layoffs and I was sincerely worried that I was going to be out of work, but luckily survived with my job intact. But the followup has been a real scramble, as I've been getting the people left behind up to speed as they take on the projects of the departed and initiatives that had been on hold grind back into gear.
When I went to the office for the first time in weeks yesterday, I drove past the flagship Half Price Books and was delighted to see that it was open. Words cannot express how much I've missed browsing bookshelves. And of course, I negated all the progress I've made on my TBR Mountain by buying more books. Instead of searching for books on my wish list as usual, this time I just picked up books at random and purchased on a whim without knowing much about any of them, with several new-to-me authors. Fingers crossed!
I've been grinding away on my current BLopoly selection, but with very limited success. I was expecting more true-crime in the context of the current church, and maybe it's going to get there, but the author is spending far more time on the founding and development of the Mormon church. I'm finding it mildly interesting, but I am getting bored fairly easily and can only read a little at a time, meanwhile I've been binge-watching the episodes of Sherlock Holmes starring Jeremy Brett on YouTube.